Questions . . .
What is the difference between a therapy dog, service dog, and working dog? -->

Answers . . .
Therapy dogs are trained to attend to the emotional needs of humans. This can take place in hospitals, nursing homes, hospice, senior centers, and any place where a dog can provide comfort and companionship to a human.
Service dogs, on the other hand, are trained to provide services to disabled individuals. This may include being a leader dog for a blind person, or assisting someone bound to a wheelchair. Service dogs are generally granted broad legal rights pertaining to public access because of the nature of their job in assisting the disabled in everyday tasks.
For more information check out the resource below:

What training and how much do I need to have with my dog before becoming a Certified Therapy Dog Team? -->

You will need to have had at least 2-3 obedience training classes. The next step is to have an assessment of your dog with one of our evaluators. The assessment has several dimensions to ensure the suitability of the dog's temperament and attitude for this type of work. It is the temperament of the dog that is paramount. The size, breed, pedigree, or cross-breed of your dog are immaterial. The individual character and how the dog will respond in all manner of situations is the vital consideration.

How do I schedule my dog to be assessed and what can I expect during the assessment? -->

What happens after the assessment? -->

7-10 days after the assessment, you will receive a letter of acceptance into the program or a denial. Should you get a denial letter, please do not panic! We will provide a detailed explanation as to why you were denied with some suggestions on items you can work on and later be re-assessed! If you are a probable candidate for our training program, you will receive an application and information on our next 12 week certification program.